
Friday Jun 12, 2020
Takedown: Episode 9 - Brick, Hanson, & Magic
Friday Jun 12, 2020
Friday Jun 12, 2020
After being a part of #PodcastBlackout last week (which you should definitely go back to listen to that episode to see why), your Triad has returned with an all new Takedown this week. And we have a lot to cover. WWE has started to turn into a snooze fest for us all, but what can the company do to save itself. We have some ideas. Plus tons of praise for AEW and all they are doing right. The winner from our NXT: Takeover In Your House Pick 'Em Challenge is announced, and it might surprise you who it is. Plus we give our picks for the upcoming WWE Backlash coming up this weekend.
Don't forget to do all you can to make sure we make fools of ourselves via slap chops to the chest.
Please give us a 5 star rating and review on iTunes or whatever podcast app you use.
Twitter: @T3Network
FB/IG/Tik Tok: T3 Network
email: TripleTBag@gmail.com
hotline call/text: 202-556-4433
As mentioned in this week's episode, be sure to check out The Culture Connection www.thecultureconnection.org

Wednesday Jun 03, 2020
Wednesday Jun 03, 2020
Wednesday Jun 03, 2020
Folks, this could be one of our most important episodes yet. T3 Podcast Network has decided to partake in #PodcastBlackout this week. Where we realize, along with other shows and networks, that #TheShowMustBePaused. Now is a time to look up and the world around you to realize that change must be made.
We have recorded just a few minutes about how we all feel here at T3 Podcast Network. Please listen and do what you can to participate in being an agent of change.
Here are the charities & organizations mentioned within the episode:
NAACP - Legal Defense Fund www.naacpldf.org
Legal Rights Center in Minnesota www.legalrightscenter.org
The Culture Connection www.thecultureconnection.org
We will be back next week with our normal content but please, use this time to be part of the change that we all know needs to happen.
Song credit: "Glory" from the Selma soundtrack by John Legend & Common

Monday Jun 01, 2020
30 Day Challenge - Song Challenge
Monday Jun 01, 2020
Monday Jun 01, 2020
That's right folks. We told you that more content besides wrestling chat would be coming and this is one of those shows. During certain months, your Triad of hosts will be doing various 30 day challenges across all of our social media platforms and want to recap those challenges at the end of the month.
For the month of May, your boys did the 30 Day Song Challenge. Where every day had a different theme and you had to select a song for it. Now we each chose our own personal pick but we also collaborated and selected a T3 show pick as well.
Hope you enjoy the different content. Make sure to follow us on all the socials to see how these challenges play out each and every day. Because interacting with our fans about their choices is half the fun!
Also, listen to the amazing playlist of all this music on our Spotify playlist
twitter: @T3Network
IG/FB/Tik Tok: T3 Network
email: TripleTBag@gmail.com
hotline: 202-556-4433

Sunday May 31, 2020
Takedown: Cody Rhodes interview
Sunday May 31, 2020
Sunday May 31, 2020
This past week on the show your T3 boys were lucky enough to have the one and only Cody Rhodes on our show. While the whole show, as always, was hilarious and amazing. We wanted to put out the audio of the just the interview for our listeners as well. So here it is.
Be sure to go to our YouTube channel to see the video of the interview as well.
Be sure to follow us on all the socials and give us those 5 star ratings and reviews please
Twitter: @T3Network
IG/FB/Tik Tok: T3 Network
email: TripleTBag@gmail.com
hotline: 202-556-4433

Thursday May 28, 2020
Takedown: Episode 8 - Cody Rhodes, Friend of the Show
Thursday May 28, 2020
Thursday May 28, 2020
THIS is a big one T3 fans. And by big one, we me absolutely HUGE. Your boys, the Triad, got a chance to interview the one and only Cody Rhodes. That's right. The American Nightmare himself, Executive Vice President of AEW, and inaugural TNT Champion took time out of his day to sit down with us and chat about it all. We discuss what it was like to be the first to win that championship, how it felt doing a DDT directly in front of Jake the Snake, and also important topics like Star Trek. You can skip ahead to the 35:45 mark if you want the interview alone (be on the look out on our YouTube channel for video of that interview coming soon).
But there is plenty of other great content too. Your Triad talks all about AEW's Double or Nothing with highs and lows of the show. How WWE seems to finally be changing for the better on tv. And our opinion on whether certain talent needs to leave WWE far behind. Plus, who won our Pick 'Em Challenge for AEW's event continuing on with Phase One of the challenge.
Be sure to send us all your questions, comments, and discussions to our mailbag segment, TripleTBag@gmail.com
twiiter: @T3Network
FB/IG/TikTok: T3 Network
YouTube: T3 Podcast Network
hotline: 202-556-4433
Thanks to DCW50, Washington's DC CW Network for providing us the opportunity to interview Cody. Be sure to follow them on all the socials as well

Friday May 22, 2020
Takedown: Episode 7 - But is John okay?
Friday May 22, 2020
Friday May 22, 2020
Your Triad has finally returned to you with a jam packed episode for your listening pleasure. So much to discuss. We give our opinions on Money in the Bank and lead into the winners of our Pick 'Em Challenge for the event. Then get straight into AEW's Double or Nothing this weekend and how we see it all going down. And don't worry, we check in with John too and see how he is handling the Becky Lynch news.
Plus we have some big news! We have joined the Wrestling Podcast Network and are so excited to be part of them. Hoping all this pushes us forward to be considered for the Wrestling Podcast Awards too. Yeah...that's a thing. We talk all about it.
Send us all your questions and thoughts to our mailbag segment, TripleTBag@gmail.com
twitter: @T3Network
Insta/FB/Tik Tok: T3 Network
YouTube: T3 Podcast Network
Hotline: 202-556-4433

Wednesday Apr 29, 2020
Takedown: Episode 6 - He Already Had a Job
Wednesday Apr 29, 2020
Wednesday Apr 29, 2020
Lots of fun from your Triad hosts this week people. Some nice discussions of RAW, SmackDown, and how WWE is handling the upcoming Money in the Bank event. We some returns from injury this week and some new injuries occurring, halting a great push some one was getting. Plus we chat AEW and how they are still making great television for us.
Spend some time getting into our new 30 Day Song Challenge and how much fun we are having with it. Please be sure to follow us on all the socials to see how it's going and get involved.
We also dropped some work for our listeners this week to make sure we all get punished. On that note...
5 star ratings & reviews needed = Craig gets chopped
call our hotline 202-556-4433 = John gets chopped
Follow us on Instagram and once we hit 100 followers = Jeff gets chopped
See the sacrifices we make for you all!
Twitter: @T3Network
Facebook: T3 Network
email: TripleTBag@gmail.com

Saturday Apr 25, 2020
Takedown: Episode 5 - Wrestling, Drinking, and Singing...Oh My!
Saturday Apr 25, 2020
Saturday Apr 25, 2020
Your Triad is back this week to fill you in on all the goings ons of the wrestling world. We have reactions to RAW, SmackDown, & NXT this week, thoughts on the upcoming Money in the Back event, and how AEW is still handling the audience-free shows better. We talking about the game from last week of Drinking Wrestling Buddies which what our choices were for each wrestler. Plus discuss a new social media event we are doing starting this coming Monday. Plus the question you all want to know...did Craig get chopped in the chest?! Listen up to find out
Don't forget to give us 5 star ratings and reviews so Craig can continue to get humiliated.
twitter - @T3Network
IG/FB - T3 Network
email - TripleTBag@gmail.com
hotline - 202-556-4433

Friday Apr 17, 2020
Takedown: Episode 4: Five Star Rating
Friday Apr 17, 2020
Friday Apr 17, 2020
Hey folks...it's your Boyz!!! In this episode the three...uuuuhhhh...two of us come together to fight corona, boredom and a world filled with free range wrestlers. We discuss the quietest Wrestlemania ever, all the politics and wrestlers that got released, AEW goodness, and
(dramatic pause)
We crown the Pick 'Em Heavyweight champ for this phase!!!
Please remember to rate and review on your podcast listening app, because all 5 star ratings bring wonderful gifts for all our enjoyment.
twitter: @T3Network
FB/IG: T3 Network
email: TripleTBag@gmail.com
call/text: 202-556-4433
web: Coming Soon

Friday Apr 03, 2020
Takedown: Episode 3 - Wrestlemania 36 Preview & Corona Checks
Friday Apr 03, 2020
Friday Apr 03, 2020
Your wrestling show Triad returns for their third episode. We obviously discuss Wrestlemania 36 coming up this weekend and how we all feel about it. Are we excited? Are we disappointed? Are we scared for the end of all wrestling? We talk about it all. But we still give our picks for at least what the scheduled matches are for now. With this being the lead up week to Wrestlemania has WWE stepped up their game or is AEW still doing it better? Listen up to see which side we fall on.
Plus we have the normal tangent conversations. Eating plans for Wrestlemania weekend, how to check yourself for Coronavirus, and apparently John used to be a boxer?!?!??
Please leave us 5 star ratings and reviews on whatever podcast listening platform you found us on. We would greatly appreciate it.
twitter: @T3Network
FB/IG: T3 Network
email: TripleTBag@gmail.com
YouTube: T3 Podcast Network
call/text: 202-556-4433